Art Trilogies
‘Valhalla series‘
‘The Legend‘
Dedicated Viking Leader. Conquering new lands, with his great vision. Immortal and Fearless, but lovable, and loyal to those he loves.

‘The Godfinder‘
Starting off as a boatbuilder and driven through rough Insanity. He became Englightened, in love with the peace of his path, having contact with the Gods.
Art Trilogies
‘Carl G Jung series‘
‘Wim Hof – The Iceman (pt.1)‘
The Living Legend, of the Ice and the Breath. Wisdom with true Legacy and Saviors Worldwide, improver of many Lives. Proven and supported with Scientific Research. To Breathe, to take the Ice. ‘Love and Power.
‘Jordan B Peterson (pt.2)‘
Living Legend of mastering the Beast inside. With true Legacy and Saviors, improver of Mans life, all over the world, highly Intellectual Vision. ‘You should be a monster, and then. Learn to control it.’

‘To be Announced (pt.3)‘
Another Legend, Explorer, Comedian, Now Inspiring the World with Curiosity, Motivation, Truth, Fun and Wisdom, on his stage. To be Announced.
Art Trilogies
‘Yoga Artistic series‘
‘Oceans, Yoga Artistic (pt.1)‘
Artistic scense of beauty of becoming Zen with doing Yoga. Mixed with the beauty of Artistic nude.
‘Roses, Yoga Artistic (pt.2)‘
Artistic scense of beauty of becoming Zen with doing Yoga. Mixed with the beauty of Artistic nude.