Yoga artistic Trilogy

part 2/3



Roses, Yoga Artistic


This artwork is made in the Emotional character trades of the person.


Characters intensity is composed with 3D effects, Acryl, the Metal Emblem, with the vibe of becoming personally balanced with Yoga. Being able to become zen, in different poses. Mixed with the scent of beauty, of the female body in 3 Artistic Artpieces. 



 Acryl / Pastel / Black Ink / Metal, Canvas on Woods


Size: 70x50cm / Premium Stretched cotton
Winson & Newton /



Piece Sold


Art Process 


Sketching on the canvas, with Acrylics and graphite pencil

Creating and Blending

Creative process with Acryl. Then mixing and colouring it up.

Backside Branding

Graffiti  authentic trademark on the backside

Collectors Edition Artist Branding

Placing the metal branding on the front, with unremovable placement material.

Yoga Artistic Trilogy

Yoga Artistic part  2 of 3


Collectors Edition Artist
Sylvester van den Hengel
3892 AS Zeewolde
The Netherlands

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