Collectors Edition Artist

Rarest Character Pieces for your Collection


Maker of Art Trilogies, and Personal Artpieces, for the Lovers of their Icon or loved one(s), to be able to purchase their Inspiration model in Art, or valued one in Character style.

On wether the selfchosen Location to place it, in your Home, Office or Mancave.


Living Legend

Wim Hof, The Iceman.

Available Serie

Valhalla Trilogy

The Legend

Dedicated Viking Leader. Conquering new lands, with his great vision. Immortal and Fearless, but lovable, and loyal to those he loves.

The Godfinder

Starting off as a boatbuilder and driven through rough Insanity. He became Englightened, in love with the peace of his path, having contact with the Gods. 

The Shieldmaiden

Dedicated Mother, who was the unwritten right hand of the Legend. Fearless and Powerful in Battle, and being an Icon for all strong Woman.

Trilogy Upcoming

Legends, of Dark into Light.‘ (Carl G. Jung series. Alchemists)

Wim Hof – The Iceman (pt.1)

The Living Legend, of the Ice and the Breath. Wisdom with true Legacy and  Saviors Worldwide, improver of many Lives. Proven and supported with Scientific Research. To Breathe, to take the Ice.  ‘Love and Power. 

Jordan B Peterson  (pt.2)

Living Legend of mastering the Beast inside. With true Legacy and Saviors, improver of Mans life, all over the world, highly Intellectual Vision. ‘You should be a monster, and then. Learn to control it.’ 

Joe Rogan (pt.3)

Legendary Comedian, ex MMA fighter; Now Inspiring the World with Curiosity, Motivation, Truth, Fun and Wisdom, on his stage, with most inspiring Guests. Best interviewer in the world by far in his Authentic Ways

Featured Projects

Yoga Artistic Trilogy

Oceans, Yoga Artistic (pt.1)

Artistic scense of beauty of becoming Zen with doing Yoga. Mixed with the beauty of Artistic nude.

Roses, Yoga Artistic (pt.2)

Artistic scense of beauty of becoming Zen with doing Yoga. Mixed with the beauty of Artistic nude. 

Woods, Yoga Artistic (pt.3)

Artistic scense of beauty of becoming Zen with doing Yoga. Mixed with the beauty of Artistic nude.

Collectors Edition Artist

Sylvester van den Hengel

To create from my own Authenticity I had to go back to my childhood where I found my dedication in art.

My father, a great artist: Ben van den Hengel; my biggest role model to this day. As a child I was *always inspired by* what my father was able to create. I was totally stunned by how he was able to give the (paintings/drawings) life and meaning. In 2020 discovering the WimhofMethod like doubled the path of my craft in the process of it, creating Arts, in multiple Virtues.

Above has truly been my inspiration to become an artist of my own and to keep growing in creating, more deeply. Within my journey I have discovered my fascination; to draw people with Intuition. A layercake…. 

In my vision we all know, by example, the same emotions and trademarks of willpower, coming from multiple experiences. Different levels, nor better or less, but nevertheless Recognizable in certain ways. Every person with like their own Character Trades. Therefore I would like to show you, inspire you. I find deep levels of satisfaction and gratitude in being able to turn a special person for you, into a bespoke (portrait/drawing or painting) to capture that moment forever in true Character Trades. ‘Raw and Sweet.’

I would love to meet you, so feel free to reach out to me, for any more information. Or if you have any questions on how I can create your own bespoke drawing/painting.

Drawing the passion of the Characters.

Black and White, Graphite Characterportraits on A3 or A2.


 Mixed Arts: Pastel, Pencil, Acryl, burned Newspaper, Metal, Woods, on custom Canvas



Most Trilogy series are available to buy as the Trilogy, as long as the complete set is available for you.

Triology pieces are also available to buy as individual Artpiece.






Other Trilogies

Theme series

Carl G Jung Series

Living Legends, who keep you inspired, with visions of darkness into Light.

Religions series

Complete Trilogy upcoming in 2024. Announced on the website, and instagram. Part 1 is available

Nice. Wait.. What!? YOU got the bigger one?!

Artistic View of Two Brothers

Your Icon, or loved one(s) in Art Legacies.

Shipment Worldwide

‘ Bizar… Heel Mooi!’

‘ Bizarre… Truly Beautiful! – Rico Verhoeven (World Champion Kickboxing)


 ‘ Tering, Zo Sick! 🔥

‘Holy Shit, Amazing! 🔥  – Bram Krikke (Radio Icon, The Netherlands)

Collectors Edition Artist

Authentic character art pieces selfmade, and for sale. Shipping worldwide.

Sylvester van den Hengel Instagram

Collectors Edition Artist Instagram

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See the still Available Artpieces, ready to send or to be shipped to you.


Collectors Edition Artist
Sylvester van den Hengel
KvK: 811 380 16

BTW ID: NL003535041B25

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